Crafting Compelling Copy for Social Media

By Juanita du Preez

People want to learn something new and/or interesting, as well as be entertained when they visit social media platforms. They follow specific pages for those reasons. The key for any brand with a social media presence is to incorporate that into their copy.

But, long before you try to be innovative and creative, you need to know what the overall goal for your brand is. Once you have a clear objective, it will lead your copy’s direction. Do you want members to join your organisation? Then you have to show them why it is worth their while.

We have seen an increase in traffic and engagement once we shifted the focus of the planned copy for a specific client. The client’s overall goals are to grow its membership and contribute to the sustainability of the particular economic sector. Therefore, we must continuously show potential members and supporters what the membership entails and how they can benefit from it. We must also show this audience what the client does to support the sector.

Copy must evoke emotion. For example, someone feels pride because they associate with an organisation which stands for something the potential member supports. Or anger because the client highlights critical things which affect the audience. In order to evoke the correct emotion, you must know the target audience, their preferences and their stance on specific topics very well. Tailoring your message to resonate with your particular audience will make it more effective and foster a deeper connection with them.

The only way to genuinely connect to your audience is to be authentic. It humanises your brand and makes you stand out. If your brand is more laidback and informal, you should not use perfect Oxford English in your copy. Use a conversational tone and language your audience uses to foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual understanding.

Social media is all about brevity. With users scrolling quickly through feeds, long-winded posts often get ignored. Make your message concise yet engaging. Use strong, active verbs and cut out unnecessary words. Break up text into digestible bits to make it more reader-friendly.

Finally, you have to guide them to take action. Every piece of your social media copy should serve a purpose, whether driving traffic to your website, encouraging shares or likes, or promoting a product. Make your CTAs clear and compelling, nudging your audience to take the desired action.

In summary, to write compelling copy for social media, you must:

  • Always keep the overall objective in mind
  • Know your audience
  • Be Authentic
  • Evoke Emotion
  • Keep it Concise and Engaging
  • Use a Clear Call to Action (CTA)

Writing compelling social media copy is both an art and a science. It requires a deep understanding of your audience, a knack for crafting engaging content, and a willingness to adapt to the ever-changing social media landscape continually. Remember, at the core of every successful social media strategy is compelling, resonant copy that aligns with your brand’s goals and values.

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash
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