Newsletter and e-mail marketing

Newsletter and e-mail marketing

Newsletters should form part of your communication plan and convey important messages, engage and educate your key stakeholders and customers. Edge Communications will evaluate your audiences and messages to determine a fixed flow of communication to identified audiences.

The aim of an e-mail marketing campaign is awareness and sales. E-mail marketing campaigns are based upon user on-site behaviour and are aimed at guiding the recipient towards a sale. These e-mails focus on the product rather than the industry.

It is important for manufacturers to do a range of newsletters and e-mail marketing campaigns. The mix between the two strategies, educational based, and action-orientated, give the e-mail recipient a balance of information. Using both types of e-mails allow you to design each strategy with the right style and message.

Reasons why the combined strategy of newsletters and marketing e-mails is successful:

  • Targeted: The individuals on your database list signed up because they want your information.
  • Trackable: If something isn’t working, you see it and can change it.
  • Relationship building: Provide information, deliver know-how, develop like and trust.
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Baie dankie vir Edge wat TLU SA-aktiwiteite baie netjies verpak – dit kan net gebeur indien TLU SA goeie stories genereer. Dankie vir almal wat stories skep, standpunte stel, help om hoop te skep en dit dan ook te verpak. Ons mag trots wees op die waardes waarvoor ons staan. Saam maak dit ‘n verskil!
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Bennie van Zyl
hoof uitvoerende beampte, TLU SA
Ons Tuis is trots om ‘n Edge-kliënt te wees. Gaan voort met julle goeie diens en onthou om tyd te maak om te rock & roll.
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Adv. Jaco Bothma
besturende direkteur, Ons Tuis
Dit was ‘n voorreg om te kon saamwerk. Ek is trots op die werk wat julle doen. Dit is min dat ‘n groep mense wat so wyd verspreid is en soms onder soveel druk is (veral tydens beurtkrag en die spanning wat dit meebring!), ten alle tye respekvol, vriendelik en geduldig met mekaar en hul kliënte bly. Ek glo regtig dat integriteit en nederigheid die geheim van Edge se sukses is.
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Dr Rineé Pretorius
co-founder, Cape Independence Advocacy Group


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